On any typical year if you took a drive through our area in August you might notice the lack of green grass,many fields would be cut and baled and many fields would be looking rather dried up. On a typical year like that at our farm we would have dried up fields except for maybe the front paddocks if they had been receiving watering, which definitely doesn't happen regularly. We would be filling the barn with hay and feeders would be also full of hay for the ewes. This year though things seem to be a little different, the fields are looking rather green. Not just green but thick and lush with grass. This year we have had a unusual amount of rain all the way to the second week in July. It seems this green grass is our reward for enduring the endless mud and dreary rainy days that seemed to never end.
The Dorset ewes enjoying the neighbors very green and plentiful grass.
Canadian Geese enjoying grass seed in a field next door.
A couple other notes I'm not sure if any of you have tried to comment on our blog but I discovered today it wasn't set right but I've changed the setting so that you all can comment on it.
One other thing we are thinking about doing a small CSA next year, we have been reading other blogs and have decided it sounds like a wonderful idea. We will start small then depending on the response we get we will decide where to go from there. We are just testing this idea and are working on gathering ideas from others. if any of you have done a CSA or having ideas about what you might want to see we would love to hear about your experiences and ideas.
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