All the holiday busyness is finally winding down and as it winds down the heavy rains have hit. Giant mud puddles have appeared and the rain hardly lets up, and Thomas Creek is filled to the brim. The sheep are all rather bedraggled looking but they haven't been complaining to much. The pregnant ewes have become more interested in the grass hay in there feeder with this rain, though it is mostly the Dorset's that huddle under the shelter of the feeder while the
Romney's prefer to sit in the rain. Last years lambs are very soggy as well and have a tendency to run full speed at me and sometimes run into me when I go out to feed. The two rams pen is rather soggy even with the cover of the lean-to and we are debating bringing them into the barn. Stardust

and her triplets don't have to deal with the rain since they live in the barn. The Triplets are growing very well and I
will soon be able to put them into their first blankets and introduce them to the halter
As the New Year quickly approaches we are also busy
preparing for this years CSA shares. We will be having the sheep sheared soon, which part of the fleeces will be made into yarn for the shares. We still have plenty of room available for both our dyed and natural colored CSAs if you haven't become a share holder yet.