Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Blackberry Jam and Other Little Things

With summer comes the sweet moments, creating memories that forever reside with a person. Those little things we take for granted that not every person on the planet gets to experience. Here in my little spot in the world a few things that I have come to associate with the summer months include: making jam, fairs, sheep shows, bales of hay, and warm days followed by cool evenings. Unique and special to me, these particular things may be relate-able for some but foreign or unmemorable to others.

But as the days creep by with slowly are beginning to advance toward fall. If you look close you can see the signs. The cut hay being baled and stacked, prepared to be stored for the winter in some farmers barn to feed his livestock. The fields have lost the lusty green and have turned to golden brown. The neighbor bringing over freshly cut wood to be stacked for the winter. As for the sheep, the ewes are being prepped for breeding and the rams are becoming restless.

All is falling into place and flowing into shorter days. Upon the horizon lies days when the fire will blaze in the stove and sweaters will be brought out from their drawers.

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