Today started off as any normal day, a lazy morning involving feeding the sheep and lallygagging around the house. But we had other plans for the day that were a bit more productive. Today the lambs and their moms got to go into the big wide world.
Now whose idea was it to leave Dolly with all the lambs? |
The older lambs got shots and all the ewes got dewormed. When we opened up the gates all the ewes rushed out, even if they were forgetting their lambs.
the cat slept through all the commotion |
There was so much commotion of ewes searching for lambs and lambs searching for their moms that the whole farm was in upset. One little lamb got so upset that he went through the fence and was running through the yard. it took us a while but we managed to corner him and take him to his mom. Then we realised the ewe he was trying to follow and who was calling to him wasn't even his mom!
One of Autumns lambs, Charlie, didn't want to get his hooves muddy so she kept having to come back to the barn to try to get him to come out.
We are also happy to report that Dolly has learned to count this year! Last year she could never keep track of her lambs and was always leaving them behind. This year she can count up to two but no matter how bossy she is she just can't get them out of the barn at all. For the time being she has given up and is residing
in the barn.
In the end we had to take a couple of the lambs out to their moms but now things are begining to return to normal. While the lambs are more than happy to romp around in the rain.