Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Snowy Shearing

It is very cold and we have been having snow fluries all day. The snow isn't sticking very much but it was sticking a little. But four of our ewes aren't to impressed with the weather because they got sheared. These four ewes are going to lamb first so they are a little cold ,but there fleeces were beautiful! They will get to stay in the barn for a week so they can adjust to the weather. We will shear the rest of our ewes more towards January.

"We want our coats back!!"

Their beautiful fleeces!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fall Fun

Our sheep grazing in the field, in the center looking at you is our handsome boy Roosevelt .

The rain returned this morning after our break in the the weather. But there was a short break without rain this morning so I took the camera out to get some shots of the sheep. Our breeding season has come to a close. All our ewes have been marked and we are excitedly waiting for the first lambs to be born which we believe will be in the middle of December.

We are currently working on dying some yarn.

Check out our etsy shop at:


Oscar hoping I will bring him some treats.

Dolly enjoying her breakfast.
